The National State Emergency Service Volunteers Association was established in 2015 after years of work and negotiations between each State and Territory SES Volunteers Associations and is an incorporated Association established as a not-for-profit entity that is registered with the Australian Charities and Not for profit Commission.
The Association is actively working to achieve nationally consistent goals that represent the interests of its members, advocating for them when appropriate and also provides a forum for national cross jurisdiction communication, collaboration, and coordination on common issues in the emergency management arenas that affect State and Territory Emergency Service volunteers.
NSESVA Strategic Plan
Leading and Influencing Change
The NSESVA was established to provide a collective voice on nationally significant issues for the State and Territory associations which represent over 43,000 State Emergency Service volunteers.
This, our first strategic plan, aims to build a sustainable organisation that will represent and advocate on behalf of volunteers.
Advancing SES Volunteers through National Representation and Advocacy.
To lead and influence change.
The objectives of the National State Emergency Service Volunteers Association are to:
- Provide a collective voice on issues of common interest to SES volunteers
- Enable national collaboration and coordination of responses on matters of national importance
- Assist State and Territory Volunteers Associations
- Provide a collective voice on issues of common interests
Profile Growth
Establish an Engagement Plan on how we will effectively communicate with a diverse audience to increase awareness of the National SES Volunteers Association’s role within the volunteering community across Australia.
Build rules and operating procedures that provide transparency in all activities that the Association undertakes so that our stake holders have confidence in all that we do.
Develop nationally consistent positions on matters that are relevant to all the State and Territory Associations and communicating to our stakeholders.
To provide effective stewardship of the organisation for the benefit of our members
To accept everyone and appreciate them for their differences and points of view
To give, without benefit or gain, to our organisation in order to support and represent other volunteers
To make decisions for the benefit of our members Integrity and to apply moral and ethical standards to all decisions that we make
To apply moral and ethical standards to all decisions that we make
To use our skills and experience to grow and build a sustainable organisation
NSESVA Website: https://www.nsesva.org.au/
NSESVA Structure
The National State Emergency Service Volunteers Association (NSESVA) is a coalition of each State and Territory SES Volunteers Associations.
A Board of Directors oversees the operation of the organisation. The President (or equivalent) of each State and Territory Volunteers Association is appointed as a director of the organisation. The positions of Vice Chair and Secretary/Treasurer of the National Association provide leadership to the Board in formulating strategy, policy, risk, and financial management.
Each State and Territory may also nominate an independent representative from their own State or Territory Association to become a member of the National Council. These representatives and the Board form the National Council. The National Council considers, researches, and makes recommendations to the Board on issues that are relevant to State and Territory Emergency Service Volunteers.
The Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary/Treasurer are elected by the National Council, and they form the executive group to take care of the day-to-day business.
NSESVA Leadership Team
Gordon Hall ESM – Chair
Dr Faye Bendrups OAM – Vice Chair
Doreen McEncroe ESM – Secretary Treasurer
Warren Hicks ESM – Director
Eddie Cowie ESM – Director
David Rowland ESM – Director
Greg Cook – Director
Robert Muller – Director
Kim Davis ESM – Director
Ron Green ESM – Director
Lance Mulligan – Director
Email – office@nsesva.org.au
54 Moruya Cct Kaleen ACT 2617 Australia
Postal Address
PO Box 7321 Kaleen ACT 2617 Australia
History of the NSESVA
In the late 2000s, some SES Volunteers discussed setting up a national body to represent the SES Volunteers. At the 2012 AFAC Conference in Perth, a small group of SES Volunteers from WA and NSW, gathered behind some partitions and had a chat about when, where, and how.
The SES Volunteers were Peter Lalor ESM, Gordon Hall ESM, David Price ESM, Dave Beard, John Capes OAM, Charlie Moir and one other. The then NSW SESVA Chair, Charlie Moir ESM, pledged support from the NSW SESVA to assist and provide some funding to make this happen.
A working group (NWG)was set up in 2013 consisting of SESVA from NSW, Victoria, ACT, South Australia, and Western Australia. The NSW SESVA became the lead agency for the NWG, and all meetings were chaired by Charlie Moir ESM, President NSW SESVA. Documentation for meetings was provided by the NSW SESVA, including arranging accommodation, preparing agendas, supporting papers, preparing meeting notes, information, recording and distribution of Minutes.
Queensland and the Northern Territory joined the working group in 2014. Tasmania joined the National Association in mid-2018. At the working group meetings, several ideas were tabled and discussed with agreements on.
In May 2015, the NSESVA was officially formed as a Company, with the Registered Office, required consents, ACNC registration and other administrative matters all being completed.
Directors and Councillors were assigned specific projects and reported progress at each meeting. Many of those projects will always be ongoing and the Directors will continue to work at those national tasks.
A succession of changes was made to the constitution to meet the changing needs. The registration of the Association as a limited liability, not-for-profit company, also facilitated taking over the income-generating raffle that NSW SES VA had used, not only to fund itself but also our association through its formation process, enabling the national association to generate income across the nation.