SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

AFAC Conference 2023

Brisbane Convention Centre Glenelg Street, South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

AFAC23 Conference & Exhibition powered by INTERSCHUTZ is Australasia’s largest and most comprehensive emergency management conference and exhibition. Brought to you by AFAC, Deutsche Messe, the Institution of Fire Engineers (Australia) and Women and Firefighting Australasia (WAFA). The 2019 conference and exhibition attracted record attendance of over 4,000 emergency management personnel. On rotation around Australia’s major cities, our host […]

DFES Conference and SES Awards 2023

Crown Perth Great Eastern Highway, Burswood, Western Australia, Australia

The WA Fire and Emergency Services (WAFES) Awards acknowledge the outstanding achievements of our SES volunteers throughout Western Australia who have shown exceptional dedication to duty within the past 12 months.  These volunteers are shining examples of what it means to work and volunteer in emergency services. The 2023 WAFES Conference will be held at Crown […]

SESVA Annual General Meeting

Crown Perth Great Eastern Highway, Burswood, Western Australia, Australia

The SES Volunteers Association of Western Australia (SESVA) annual general meeting (AGM) is a meeting held once a year and all Association Members are invited to attend. The purpose of an AGM is to give members a report on the SESVA activities and finances for the previous year, to allow time for members to ask […]

Regional Exercise, Midwest-Gascoyne

To be advised , Australia

Planned and conducted by SES Volunteers with the support from Regional staff.  Funded by the SESVA from DFES grant.

SESVA Management Committee Meeting

SESVA office 91 Leake Street, Belmont, Western Australia, Australia

SESVA Management Committee meeting of full committee.

SESVA Executive Management Team Meeting

SESVA office 91 Leake Street, Belmont, Western Australia, Australia

The SESVA Executive Management Team meets regularly to share information, ideas, issues, and perspectives and to discuss the day-to-day running of the Association and make decisions as required. The Team is made up of the President, Vice presidents, Secretary and Treasurer.