On August 19, the Nala Bardip Mia (Margaret River Hub of Entertainment Arts & Regional Tourism (HEART) was the focal point of an Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) exercise to test emergency preparedness and response strategies. The exercise simulated a partial collapse in the stage area of the HEART’s main theatre, complete with loss of power, necessitating a comprehensive evacuation and
rescue operation.
The primary aim of the exercise was to evaluate the emergency response plans and readiness of the HEART and local emergency
services, including the SES, St John Ambulance (SJA), and DFES incident Control Vehicle (ICV) volunteers. The event successfully
highlighted the effectiveness of current protocols and identified areas for improvement. Thirty-five community volunteers role-played as patrons and casualties during the exercise. Casualties were provided with briefing and moulage and located throughout the venue’s theatres, bars, kitchen and backstage areas.
Arts Margaret River staff and volunteers completed an evacuation of the building, after which casualties were returned to the building, and the incident was handed over to arriving SES responders for search and rescue operations.