SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

11/03/2024 – From the Secretary Desk


Legislation Working Group

The Position Paper was approved at the December meeting and is being prepared for printing ready to share with units and for delivery to the FES Commissioner and Minister at presentations in the coming months. Recent changes implemented in Queensland, where a Chief Officer has been appointed for the SES under the expanded Police and Emergency Services, are a similar concept to that being proposed by the SESVA in WA.

NSESA Raffle

The raffle has taken off very well in WA. It is important to note that not all the funds raised in WA remained in WA after costs were taken into account. A second raffle is scheduled to commence in coming weeks, subject to permit sign off by WA Racing and Gaming. The result of the first raffle draw was published on the NSESVA website and in the 10th February Weekend Australian newspaper.

Media and PR Strategy sub-committee – MCM nominations sought

The first meeting of the sub-committee will be held soon. Several SES Units have been invited to have representative members. Interested volunteers should contact Allen It is anticipated the group will meet three to four times a year.

Emergency Services 125th / SES 65th anniversary

The 125th anniversary of Emergency Services in WA coincides with the 65th anniversary of SES in WA. Management Committee members are going to contact their Units to determine the level of support for celebration of the SES WA 65th anniversary. Celebrations are being considered to align with WOW Day/Volunteer Week 18-24 May.

DFES Pregnancy and Intended Parents Policy – feedback sought

The Committee discussed to implications of the Policy for volunteers. President will respond to DFES on the Policy following further input from the Management Committee members.

Fit For Role – request for feedback to DFES

The related documents have been sent to all SES units and an on-line meeting is scheduled for Thursday 14 March for all units to participate in. SES presenters from the eastern states will provide information based on their experience of the concept to enable a clear understanding of how the Fit For Role project would impact SES WA if it was to be implement.

To contact the SESVA Secretary Allen Gale ESM , call or message

Mobile: 0419 935 479 Email:

