SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

28/12/2023 – WebEOC Update

WebEOC RFA Update

I would like to thank all volunteers for their understanding and patience whilst we have been implementing the new version of WebEOC.

The AHIMS email has been swamped recently and they have been working through all correspondence systematically and on an operations priority based on

  • Tempo
  • Weather
  • Current Incidents

The RFA boards are ready and currently being used by Comcen and some units.

The holdup is creating user access to the system which is nearing completion.

Current process

Units are receiving RFAs by email as they would normally, this is being backed up by a phone call by COMCEN.

When WebEOC RFA is active to all users these jobs will already be in the system.

Notification of user accounts being live

Users are being emailed as their accounts are made live in batches of units, though we note there are many out-of-date email addresses.

We are aware of a couple of items we know units may want to change and we will look at these following the access being completed.

Kind regards

Will Blackshaw

A/Superintendent Operational Communications

