SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

14/12/2023 – SESVA Newsletter December 2023

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Newsletter button above to read these articles

From the President

Welcome to the final edition of the State Emergency Service Volunteers Association of Western Australia (Inc.) newsletter for 2023. That was a mouthful and exemplifies the year that was: jam packed, extremely busy and challenging.


SESVA Welcomes new Committee Members

SESVA new Committee members

Leonie Briggs -Vice President North

Ziggy Belczowshi – South Coastal

Megan Reynolds – North Coastal

From The Secretary

Key Interest item from the 7th December 2023 SESVA Committee Meeting

Legislation Working Group – Submission to Government

National raffle

SWORD Logistics – Moving Regions

Renaming the SES Team Award

SES 65 Anniversary 2024

and more


More from the Secretary

The next Meeting of the SESVA Management Committee is scheduled for February 2024

The SESVA Office

Will be closed from Thursday 21st December to Tuesday 2nd January 2024

How to contact the SESVA Secretary


mobile: 0419 935 497




The WA Emergency Services Volunteers’ Hardship Assistance Scheme (Inc.)

The WAESVHAS AGM was held at Mandurah SES unit on Sunday 19th November.

The main purpose of the WAESVHAS is to give emergency services volunteers the opportunity to seek, or be offered, financial assistance during times of hardship and/or significant loss.

SESVA Raffle

West Australian residents can now participate in a fundraising raffle to support the community-based SES units and the SES volunteers.

The SES Volunteers Association in WA (SESVA) has reached an agree-

ment with the National SES Volunteers Association (NSESVA) to partici- pate in continuous fundraising raffle campaigns

General Rescue Training Update 

There was a huge response on Facebook to the DFES Academy article in the SESVA November Newsletter on this topic. 

MY Unit Newman SES

The Newman SES Unit was established in July 1981 around the same year that the Shire of East Pilbara (SoEP) took management of the Town from Mt Newman Mining, which was established by Mt Newman Mining (originally Mount Newman) in 1966 as a closed Mining company town.

