The Upper Great Southern Leaders Forum 2023 convened at Narrogin on Saturday 19th August 2023. At the invitation of Superintendent Craig Smith, SESVA Vice President Alan Hawke attended on behalf of the President, Greg Cook.
The aim of the Leaders Forum was to enhance knowledge, promote growth and provide an opportunity for fellowship. BGU leaders from the region were treated to very informative and thought-provoking presentations:
Lithium battery hazards with Adam Whitford: I’ll never leave my lithium batteries on charge unsupervised again!
Dealing with children with Lynelle Fozard: Youth are our future.
State Logistics and SWORD SES with Lyndon Jackson: There’s a lot of great logistics equipment to support major incidents.
Effective leadership “Be” with Geoff Stewart: Leadership is about self, people and relationships.
Leading cultural change through uncertainty with Mike House: We can learn to Thrive and Adapt under pressure.
On the road towards resilience with Steve Wickham: If you are going through hell … keep going?
Canada deployment learnings with Blake Halford: The environment influences risks – understand the hazards.
Emotional intelligence with DFES Chaplain Dennis Sudla: Adversity forges resilience.
The Q&A session after the presentations revealed administration, training and recognition of prior learning are common causes of concern among many volunteer services.
The Forum’s proceedings ended with an evening of conviviality over dinner at the Albert Facey Motel Restaurant.