SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

21/06/2023 – Change of Leadership at Kalgoorlie-Boulder SES

There has been a changing of the guard at the Kalgoorlie -Boulder SES Unit. Local manager Felix Van Gelderen has finished his tenure as manager and has handed the reigns over to the new unit manager Anjuli Till. Unit members have learned a lot over Felix’s time as manager and thank him for his knowledge and experience shared with them over his 12 years at the helm, the Unit members wish Anjuli the very best as she guides the Unit in the future.

SESVA President Greg Cook said,” On behalf of the SESVA and I am sure SES Volunteers and the Community I would like to thank Felix for his service as Local Manager”.

He also said” SES Volunteers like Felix aren’t just on the frontline protecting the community during a storm or flood, they’re also building resilience and sharing knowledge to help better prepare Unit members and the Community for future emergencies and disasters. I thank Felix for his service and congratulate him on this time as Local Manager”.

Felix being presented with his retirement certificate

