The SESVA is pleased to announce the following promotions for WOW Day 2023. Consistent with annual tradition, these buildings across the State will be lit in orange. We are continuing in conjunction with DFES our efforts in regional areas, to have buildings illuminated across a wide range of communities in Western Australia. We are also very excited about some of the interviews that have been arranged with both metropolitan and regional media outlets.
Across the Perth CBD, the following landmarks have confirmed they will display orange lighting on WOW Day:
- Perth Concert Hall
- Parliament House
- State Administrative Tribunal Building
- Fremantle Prison
- City of Belmont Civic Centre
- City of South Perth Administration Building
In regional WA, the following landmarks will be lit up:
- Several locations in Bunbury including Marlston Hill Lookout, Koombana Footbridge, Koombana Bay Foreshore, Marlston Waterfront, Guppy Park, The Navigators, Richmond Reserve and Arrol Crane
- City of Busselton Administration Building
- Brockman Street in Manjimup
- Shire of Broome Administration Building
- Mandurah Bridge
- City of Albany Administration Building
- Shire of Augusta-Margaret River Administration Building
The Minister for Emergency Services will issue a media statement on Tuesday May 16 encouraging the community to don orange clothing the following day.
We have been liaising directly with SES volunteers to find inspiring stories and share them with the community via the media. Cassidy Kempster from Northshore SES will be live on Channel 9 news at 5.20pm on WOW Day to talk about her volunteering – she’ll also do a radio interview with 6PR Radio at 12.30pm.
Across the regions, interviews with local volunteers to champion the work of the SES will be aired on:
- HIT WA (featuring a representative from Kununurra SES)
- Triple M Broome (featuring a representative from Derby SES
- Triple M Hedland (featuring a representative from Hedland SES)
- ABC MidWest (featuring a representative from Carnarvon SES)
- Triple M Geraldton (featuring a representative from Geraldton SES)
- Triple M South West (featuring a representative from Bunbury SES)
- ABC Goldfields (featuring a representative from Kalgoorlie SES)