SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

02/03/2023 – SESVA Newsletter for March 2023

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Newsletter button above to read these articles in full

From the President

I wish all a warm welcome to a year that is again testing the magnificent flexibility of the SES Volunteers. I reinforce that it is a privilege to hold the position and attend to the many functions required of your Association. Many thanks again for your vote of confidence in our approach to the question, listen, report then advocate.

On the 23 Feb, the Association invited Units to attend a debrief to discuss SES Volunteer deployments to the east and within our state. There are many points to advocate for our members, but I will say that the standard of issues raised, and solutions offered are a credit to those that attended. We are most definitely maturing rapidly and that is very pleasing for the message and efforts of all.



To assist SES Units in their public relations activities, the SESVA is considering purchasing SES WA branded pop-up marquees, which will be made available for loan to SES Units for their activities and events.

The VA will promote the availability and conditions of the loan once the marquees have been manufactured.

In the meantime we’re keen to gauge Unit interest in this service, so would like to hear from you as to whether you would make use of an SES pop-up marquee.

Simply email Bella at the SESVA Office

 SESVA Debrief Deployments

The SESVA facilitated the SES Debrief on 23 February to enable the volunteers and SES Unit leaders to share their experiences in relation to recent deployments to the Kimberley and eastern states floods.

21 SES Units participated in the debrief which concluded after 2 hours and 10 minutes. President Greg Cook acknowledge the importance of the contributions made by participants and commented on the high standard of the input and the proposed solutions for issues that need to be addressed


Auditor General’s report ES Funding

Volunteers may be surprised to learn that in 2022 there was a review conducted by the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) into whether their LGGS funding is administered effectively.

The review was conducted without publicity and only invited submissions from DFES and some stakeholders, including WALGA, the City of Busselton, the Shire of Plantagenet, the Shire of Westonia and the four volunteer associations. It only considered BFS, SES and VFES funding, with very limited time and resources committed to it. The final report was handed to Parliament on 22 December 2022; some of the key findings

Please take the time to open the full newsletter to read all the interesting and informative articles

