SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

10/02/2023 – Health Survey Emergency Service Volunteers

Health Survey

Burnout and Wellbeing amount Emergency Services Volunteers

As part of their 4th-year psychology research project, students of Monash University are seeking participants to take part in a study investigating the mental health and well-being of Australian Emergency Service Volunteers.

One of the Monash project group is a WA resident, so they are hoping to include the experiences of SES Volunteers in Western Australia in the research project.

The research group believe that Emergency Service Volunteers have been overlooked in the current body of research looking into mental health and well-being, and hope to remedy this.

As part of their investigation, they are asking participants to complete an online survey that will take approximately 20 minutes.  It is a low-risk research project, so participants are not expected to experience any psychological or emotional distress from their participation.

However, we do offer contact details for mental health services should participants experience any negative psychological and/or emotional effects.  Ideally, the survey will be sent to and made accessible to participants as soon as possible.

The research team have provided the following link for you to participate in this research project.

A summary of the results will be available to participants upon request after the conclusion of the study.

