SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

07/02/2023 – SESVA Newsletter February 2023

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Newsletter button above to read these articles in full and many more

From the President

Welcome back to the SES Volunteers’ regular training season
Many units are now back to creating safer communities by learning new, reviewing and practicing and teaching many aspects of the knowledge and skills required to maintain our effectiveness.
The SES Community effectiveness has been no better displayed than the many SES Volunteers that have deployed to South Australia, NSW, Queensland and Victoria. This of course has been added to the time now dedicated to the Western Australian Kimberley flooding and other emergencies in our home state.

SES Major Deployments Debrief

In the December Newsletter, we notified readers of our intention to conduct a debrief of SES major deployments. The SESVA will facilitate the SES Debrief on 23 February to enable sharing of experiences of the volunteers and Unit leaders in relation to recent deployments, particularly to the Kimberley and eastern states floods.

All SES Units will soon be sent an invitation to participate in the debrief, then a ZOOM link will be forwarded to the email address provided by those Units when accepting the invitation confirming their participation.

Upper Great Southern Exercise

Update from Kerry Keys, SESVA Management Committee Member, Upper Great Southern planning is well underway for the upcoming Upper Great Southern region exercise. The accommodation will be at Dryandra again and the SES teams will be travelling to a neighbouring town on the first day, Saturday, to take part in a range of exercises. Organisers have a very unique fun and hands-on exercise planned for the Sunday.

John White ESM

In 1985 Mr David John White joined the Kalamunda Volunteer SES Unit where he has performed a number of roles from Rescue Team Leader, Local Manager and to Communications team member, a position he currently retains.

