What does phishing mean? (it’s got nothing to do with Snapper)
Phishing is described as a fraudulent activity that is done to steal confidential user information such as credit card numbers, login credentials, and passwords. It is usually done by using email or other forms of electronic communication by pretending to be from a reliable source.
The SES Volunteers Association is not immune to the effects of Scammer and Phishing emails and actions. Whilst it appears to be the norm for many of us in the receipt of such bad intent, we should all be on guard to the attempts to remove identity and funds from ourselves.
The Association has regular attempts to solicit actions asking committee members in my name (Greg Cook) to buy cash cards or provide funds in an attempt to default us. I ask that if you receive an email from the SESVA President asking you to fund something, firstly check the senders email address that it was sent from. If it’s not from “sesva.president@ses-wa.asn.au“, then it’s not from me. At least two to three times a year, someone is trying to scam SES members.
If the Association is fundraising for something, the email will be addressed to the Local Manager and from an official SESVA email address.
A little less frequent, but still prolific in society, are Phishing emails asking you to join a provided link that may have the ability to infect your device with information-gathering software. Be on guard and have protective software on your devices. All your computers and phones are at risk every day and consider the things you do on your smartphones.
Banking may be just one of those things.
Facebook is also a common platform for scammers to hack and steal your identity and then ask contacts to become a friend again? Take caution and if you receive a friend request from someone you already are friends with, ask the question “did you send me a friend request?”. Many times, this is not so and a hack attempt.
DFES issued a Phishing Email Awareness Circular which provides additional information.
DFES ICT can provide advice to units with Scam and Phishing issues. Also, Microsoft offers information— “https://support.microsoft.com” for more about Phishing.