From Greg Cook SESVA President
Once again, a warm welcome to you all. Christmas is another month closer and creeping into most emergency services peak delivery season. In short, for many of us it’s time to respond to community needs when in an emergency.
Many things from an SES perspective have transpired since we last wrote to you.
National Disaster Rescue Challenge – Kings Park, Perth that was held over the weekend of 22 and 23 October. SES Teams from all states and territories arrived into Perth to rise to our challenge. This was a great display in the national SES bonding and recognition of the like for like services that are provided to communities throughout Australia.
Congratulations to the Queensland Team for taking out first place this year. Western Australia came a credible fifth place with many opportunities for growth noted. We just need some supported actions to make head way in catching up in the skills and knowledge that were demonstrated by the other teams. It was great to see Minister Dawson and Shadow Minister Martin Aldridge committing time to come and learn about the SES and its unique skill sets demonstrated to a high standard.
Flooding in the east coast communities has seen the departure of SES workers deploying in aid of our orange cousins and their communities in NSW. It’s always great to see the deployment flights supported in the send off by Minister Dawson. Our Minister, in making time to do this, makes our contact with him all that more valuable to those who leave to work in dangerous environments. We wish these deploying members a safe and worthy deployment; thank you.
Topics that your association is busy with at present are:
The Combined Emergency Services Legislation that sees the FESA Act, Fire & Rescue Act and Bush Fire Act combined into a single act and supporting regulations
Provision of feedback to allow for improvement of the WAFES Conference and enhancing the SES experience to ensure we do not get lost to a strong fire based forum
Forward planning for the National SES WOW Day. The State of WA’s opportunity to provide a mechanism to simply say thanks to SES Workers. COVID 19 has really put a damper over the last few years so we trust the year 2023 will allow for a great effort in the “thank you” actions.
Lastly, to all our SES workers around the state, don’t hold back in registering for high season deployments through the Volunteer hub and approval through your unit local manager. The experience is remarkable, the generosity in giving your service to affected community is heart sent.