SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

30/06/2021 – SESVA Newsletter for July 2021

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Newsletter button above to read these articles in full

From the President

The rewards SES volunteers receive when serving our communities is a point of motivation for many new and experienced members. Have you ever asked the question why you do what you do and who you do it for?

Why the SES? Why do we as SES volunteers find it difficult to recognise each other’s dedication at times? Of course, this is in an incredibly positive way.  Its true that we do not seek the publicity, well most of us anyway. Is it just simply the sense of being in a team and unit of well meaning, trained, and focused on doing goods things within our many communities that keeps
us coming back?

Civil Defence History

As you may be aware, the SES takes its formation roots from the Civil Defence Organisation created during World War II.  It is interesting to see how little has changed over the years natural disasters still create major catastrophes, and it is Volunteers who respond in the largest numbers.  Below is excerpt for the Australian Civil Defence HandbookGeneral Information. Directorate of Civil Defence1972.


Regional Exercise Submission

Your SESVA has formed a committee to prepare a business case for the Commissioner to provide funding to enable a Regional exercise to be conducted in every region each year. 

The members of the committee are:
Trevor Patton – Karratha Unit
Steve Cable – Kalbarri Unit
Robert Palmer – Mundaring Unit
Sergio Bottacin – Merredin Unit
Jane Hamilton
Chris Knight – CSU
Mark Wyncoll Nannup Unit
Kirsten Beidatsch – Mt Barker Unit
Greg Cook – CSU
Lin Booth Mundaring Unit

Natural Hazard EOI

The EOI’s for the Natural Hazards Scenario Project Cyclone and Marine Search & Rescue are now open.  They will close on 5/7/21 so there is a short time frame for people to express their interest in being involved.   See the full article and link for addiitional information.

Task Force Photo’s

If you were part of taskforce or a group during the Seroja cyclone deployment the SESVA would love to get copies of your group photos to be part of our historical collection.  If you could send to us with the following formation (electronic and High Resolution preferred).

Taskforce/ Group Name
Dates of Deployment
Names of members in the photo ( if possible)
Were the Taskforce / Group was based.

Photos can be sent to either
or posted to PO Box 3218 Belmont WA 6104


Don’t forget the SESVA has a range of items that can help with recruitment campaigns and promotion of your Unit.

Just contact Bella at the SESVA office.

Historical Photo’s

Don’t forget the SESVA are looking for photos, video’s, slides and/or film from the Dawn of Time to create a visual history of our great organization.

Copies can be sent to us in a digital format just ensure the scan is high resolution (at least 300dpi). Just send them to Bella at the office.

SESVA Website

The SESVA website has been upgraded and improved. Check it out! If you have any questions, comments, improvements please contact our webmaster John Capes

