SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

27/01/2021 – SESVA Newsletter February 2021

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Newsletter button above to read these articles in full

From the President

Welcome to 2021 and we are told it’s now a High Threat Season in the West.  From the Association, all of us extend a “Hi to you” and welcome back. For our newer unit members, welcome to the orange army and family.

Again, I am proud of the extraordinary response from SES members to support our respective and neighbouring communities in times of emergency. There are so many people who have trust in our willingness and capability to pitch in and help.

In Memoriam

Respecting those who are now in active service with the elite Orange Angels RIP
Kalbarri Unit – Mr Daniel Neal  Communications Support Unit – Mr. Bruce White  Kalgoorlie Unit – Mr. Vitor Birt

The WA SES VA Executive and Committee offers our sincere sympathy to the families, friends and unit members on the significant loss to you all.

History of the SES book Launch

The WA State Emergency Service (SES) History from Civil Defence into the 21st Century.  The book also attempts to cover some of the support aspects of the SES, as well as a number of interesting operations and some of the committees involved. 

Australia Day Awards

Calls for recognition, congratulations and celebration.  Please join us in jointly recognising the following SES Members:
Mr. Allen John Gale. A well deserved nominee and now awarded the Emergency Services Medal (ESM) as part of the 2021 Australia Day Awards.

WOW Day 2021

WOW Day for 2021 is not far away.  It may seem several months, but time flies, and we would like your input into what you think should be done to celebrate WOW Day across the huge State of Western Australia not just celebrate in the Metropolitan area, which has been the past

SES Number Plates

Expression of interest SES Number plates Over the last few years we have had several requests for SES Number plates.  As the current series has been exhausted, we are now asking if you would like us to start a new series.

Selcall Numbers

For those Units who have/use HF radio we mention the HF Selcall list is maintained on the Volunteer Hub, reviewed annually and is updated when required.

SESVA Vacancies

At the present time the SESVA have vacancies for Regional Representatives for the South Coastal, North Coastal and North East regions.  Being an SESVA Representative for a region is a very rewarding experience.

