Articles in this Month's Edition
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From the President
Where has our year of 2020 gone?
Christmas and New Year is again so close. Many of us have lived a life this year that we never really planned for, or even foresaw on our future horizons. I think we could all agree that it is really great to live in one of the most isolated states in Australia, and in the world, and separated for our good health. I know here must be many mixed feels in regards to the state-wide lockdown, then the border shutting to the rest of Australia, and to those from around the world.
Result of Vehicle Livery Survey
The results of the survey of conducted by Regional Representatives with Unit Local Managers in October is shown below. The survey was conducted via your Regional Representatives asking your Local Manager for your Units preference for new vehicle livery from the 5 images available, or alternatively making a suggestion on the livery.
At the present time the SESVA have vacancies for Regional Representatives for the South Coastal and the North Coastal regions. Being an SESVA Representative for a region is a very rewarding experience. If you are interested in becoming involved in assisting and advocating for your fellow SES Volunteers, and are a member of an SES Unit in either of the above regions, contact the Secretary to
0428 612 480
Meet Your Regional Representative
Region: Upper Great Southern
Mauritz Oberholzer
0457 785 078
Results of October Unit Survey
The results of the October survey of Unit Local Managers by their SESVA Regional Representatives to obtain the views of SES Volunteers in their Unit of a number of questions
SES Scenario Working Group
The Simulation & Exercise Capability (S&EC) Unit, based in Belmont, is looking for assistance in developing credible Natural Hazards based
scenarios from Level 1 – 3, that would provide relevant training opportunities to SES units, DFES Regional Operations Centres and the State Operations Centre.
Grant Writer
The SESVA are looking for someone to assist us with grant application writing. Funding to operate the SESVA so we can effectively advocate for the SES Volunteers of Western Australia is always a problem, and in order to assist us overcome and/or reduce the is issue we are asking for assistance from someone who has a professional background in
grant writing.
Merredin Unit Equipment upgrade
We often hear news about people going missing or their journey going horrible wrong, whether it is on outback travels; camping / hiking expeditions and even boating trips. We quite often hear emergency services personnel giving encouraging advice on what to do and how to