SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

29/09/2020 – SESVA Newsletter October 2020

Articles in this Month's Edition

Click the Newsletter button above to read these articles

From the President

Quiet smiles, a lot of hugs, a few tears and satisfaction in the quest of achieving our goals. How the life of a three year old boy in the south west has further galvanised the SES members is a simple fact; We all have an emotional attachment to the volunteering we so freely give day in and day out. 

Mandurah SES

Since 2017, we (the Mandurah SES) have been in our new unit which has become highly beneficial to us, not just for call outs, but for community engagement and recruitment.

Meet Your Regional Representative

Region: Great Southern
Robert Boyes
0427 999 304

Merredin SES

Since getting back into the swing of day to day activities, following COVID19, we now look to the future and the wonderful weather, perfect for holidays and outback travels.

Vehicle Livery

After much discussion by the SESVA, SES vehicle  livery is now going to be reviewed.  DFES have requested the SESVA conduct a survey to obtain your views on proposed new SES vehicle livery. In the next 4-6 weeks, once all the images are prepared, we will be advising ytou of the survey details.

Truck Licences

As DFES are reviewing trucks for SES use through the truck PAT, we asked the question of truck licences for SES Volunteers. The reply is quoted below: “The LGGS manual states that each BGU is eligible to train 6 personnel to  upgrade their class of licence where a need exists i.e. the BGU has a truck needing a licence above a normal car licence.

SES Utes

The proposed new utes are currently being trailed around the state.  Trials in the metropolitan area have been completed
and the utes are now being trialed by country Units.


We would like to take this opportunity to remind SES Volunteers to be careful when exchanging personal information (or in fact any information) online or over the phone.

