SESVA Update on a number of DFES Projects
DFES have been very busy on a number of projects which are now in the rollout or finalisation phase. In the interests of communicating to as many SES Volunteers as possible, we have listed five of the current ones.
Volunteer Portal Improvement
There have been a number of improvements to the Volunteer portal. DFES advises that the changes have been driven by feedback from the users.
The attached document will give more information.
The All Hazards Incident Management System (AHIMS)
The attached document will give the project status update the status of WebEOC Phase 1, the training rollout and some comments on feedback.
Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL)
The latest news about the AVL is listed in the attachment and includes facts and figures, scheduling and a number of other matters.
If there are any technical issues there is a link to report these.
400 MHz Project
An update on the relocation of the UHF radio channels and what will be done to meet the operational radio requirements is outlined.
An outline of where and when the changes will occur is also listed.
See attached document for further information on these projects.
Gordon hall
SESVA President