Yesterday Vice President Alan Hawke, Secretary Lin Booth, Committee member David Worth and I met with the Minister Hon. Fran Logan MLA (Emergency Services).
The presentations by David, Alan and Lin were excellent and appeared to be well received by the Hon. Minister. David spoke about Internal and external communications, Alan spoke about ESL and the LGGS and Lin covered off on training for the SES Volunteers.
I finished off with a model for the future structure of DFES. The Concept of a Future Structure for Emergency Services by the SESVA was well received, as was the request of a seat at the table for an emergency services summit. Only time will tell on future changes.
It is my opinion that the SESVA team was received well by the Hon. Minister Fran Logan and I am sure we will be working closely with him in the future.
Gordon Hall
President – SES Volunteers Association (inc.)