SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

13/03/2017 – Phil Bresser ESM

Australia Day2107 Honours_Emergency Services Medal (ESM)

The SESVA congratulates Mr Phillip S BRESSER of Mandurah SES.

Phil has dedicated 30 years frontline service to the State Emergency Service (SES) in Western Australia.

His specific interest in training and development of members has seen him train over 500 SES volunteers in Western Australia. He is an expert in such areas as storm response, managing injuries, communications, navigation and search and a leader and instructor in the Mandurah Emergency Service Cadet Program Mr Bresser has consistently maintained a high workload and standard of professionalism in all that he has done and has gained the respect of fellow SES members.

Webmaster Note: The above was meant to be posted in January 2017 however a technical issue occurred and has now been corrected.

