SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

06/02/2017 – Review of ESL

ERA Review of the ESL – 2017
The WA Government Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) has advised the SESVA that there is to be a review of the Emergency Services Levy (ESL) revenue and how it is allocated.  The ERA is consulting widely and have requested the SESVA provide a submission to this inquiry.

The submission period closes on 10 March 2017.

SES Units are encouraged to provide any written information, including examples and evidence that you would like included in the SESVA submission, to the SESVA Secretary ( by close of business 1 March 2017.
The ERA scope of the ESL revue is;

  • Allocation of ESL Funding,
  • Method of setting the ESL,
  • Governance Arrangements,
  • Rural Fire service.

Please see below for further information and a link to the full document.

Gordon Hall
SESVA President

In conducting this report the ERA will be considering;
1.    The current ESL expenditure applied to managing the emergency services (prevention of, preparedness for, response to and recovery from natural hazard emergencies).
2.    The proportion of ESL funding directed towards each aspect of emergency management: prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
3.    The extent to which the current allocation of ESL funds towards prevention and response reflects best practice in managing the risk of bushfire and other hazards.
4.    The extent to which the current methodology for setting the ESL is appropriate, now and into the future.
5.    The current transparency and accountability arrangements for the distribution of ESL>
6.    Whether it would be appropriate for the allocation of ESL funds to be the responsibility of an agency other than the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.
7.    The extent to which the ESL should be available to fund administrative and/or operational costs of a Rural Fire Service.
8.    The extent to which the use of the ESL to fund a Rural Fire Service would impact on ESL rates.

The ERA has also listed questions for interested parties;
1.     How should funding be allocated across prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery activities?
2.    What should the ERA consider in assessing whether the current method for setting the ESL is appropriate for current and future needs?
3.    What emergency service expenditures should be funded by the ESL?
4.    How are expenditures on emergency services likely to change in the future?
5.    How could the method for setting the ESL be improved?
6.    What information should be made public about the administration and distribution of ESL funding?
7.    What processes should be in place to ensure accountability in the expenditure of ESL funding?
8.    Which agency should be tasked with distributing funding from the ESL?
9.    If a rural fire service is established, should it be funded by the ESL?
10.    How much would a rural fire service cost, and what effect would it have on ESL rates?

Below is the link to the ERAWA site for the ESL Review Issues Paper…


