SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

24/01/2017 – Gosnells SES New Building first use

New Gosnells SES Unit Building in Use
The new Gosnells SES Unit building was used for the first time for a DFES/SES training course. Volunteers from Armadale, Canning/South Perth, Kalamunda and Gosnells SES Units participated in “Driving on Road under Emergency Conditions”. Volunteers were from the South Metro Vertical Response Team as part of that emergency response role.  The Gosnells SES unit has been moving equipment from its 1982 HQs and is now operational from the new building in Horley Road, Kenwick. This is off the Kenwick bypass.

Phillip Petersen ESM


Ian from Kalmunda undertaking a VPOWER check

Dave from Armadale enjoys a snack for morning tea

Group photo of students with instructors Paul, Mark and Phil

