Southwest Region Volunteer of the Year Awards
It is with great pleasure on behalf of the South West Regional Office I launch the annual South West Region Volunteer of the Year Award for 2015.
It’s no secret Emergency Service Volunteers are the backbone of Regional Western Australia; so we think its high time we identify and acknowledge our local hero’s who go above and beyond the call of duty to better serve the communities in which they live. Further, there is something special about a peer nomination – knowing that your team mates have put you up for acknowledgement makes it all that more special.
We would love to hear from all corners of our region with regard to those volunteers who go the extra mile or work away quietly in the background achieving great things without anyone knowing. We want to recognise and salute the work you all do.
We seek nominations across three categories:
- Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service and Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services;
- Bushfire Brigades; and
- State Emergency Service and Volunteer Marine Rescue Services.
Please find the attached nomination form and email your return to by 31 December 2015.
Kind regards
Ricky Curtis l Superintendent l South West Region l Operations Command
Department of Fire & Emergency Services l Lot 719 South Western Hwy, BUNBURY 6230
PO Box 1288 BUNBURY WA 6231
Nomination Form and information:2015 South West Region Volunteer of the Year Award.pdf