SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

25/09/2014 – PEER Support Info and Contact Details

PEER SUPPORT (also see the Peer Support Page)

Peer Support Teams are designed to support fellow emergency service personnel (permanent and Volunteer) in dealing with their reactions to Critical Incident Stress.  The service is provided by a group of concerned Volunteers who are themselves members of these services.  The teams follow an internationally respected model of intervention and provides a  unique peer support service based on a co-operative approach between management
of the services, unions and members of the emergency service themselves.

What is the role of a Peer Supporter?

  • To offer support to fellow workers suffering normal reactions following involvement
  • in a traumatic and/or critical incident
  • To allow sharing of a peer’s vulnerability and other emotions without losing status
  • To validate another’s normal but sometimes terribly unpleasant responses
  • To maintain strict confidentiality regarding support activities including topics
  • discussed and personnel involved
  • To provide a referral system to professional counselling if required.

PEER Support Contact Details ===>140925 – SES PEER SUPPORT GROUP Contact List – Flyer.pdf

