Victoria to have a Volunteer Consultative Forum of all Emergency Services
Will the WA Government support Volunteers and do the same in this state?
The Victorian Government announced on Monday that it will consult emergency management volunteers on reforms to the sector by having Victoria’s first Emergency Management Volunteer Consultative Forum. The forum will provide Victoria’s Emergency Management Volunteers with a voice so they can provide direct feedback to the Government on issues affecting their work. Volunteers play a critical role in emergency response, relief and recovery efforts, and therefore must be consulted and have an active voice in any changes to the sector.
Organisations including the CFA, SES, Life Saving Victoria, Australian Red Cross, Ambulance Victoria, Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria, St John Ambulance, Volunteer Coast Guard, Salvation Army, Volunteer Emergency Service Association and the Victorian Council of Churches are all part of the Emergency Management Volunteers and Agency nominees who will attend the forum.
The Volunteer Consultative Forum membership is responsible for representing and expressing the views of Emergency Management Volunteers, and providing feedback to agencies, Volunteers and government on actions, initiatives and outcomes of the forum. These agencies will be discussing issues concerning the culture of volunteerism in their particular sector, how best to monitor the health and wellbeing of volunteers, and how to improve volunteer recruitment, retention, capacity and training.
The forum will convene a minimum of four times in each year.
A forum of this nature is much needed in WA for all of the agencies involved in Emergency Response and Recovery. Will the WA Government take a leaf out of the Victorian Governments book and follow with this positive and enhancing initiative for Emergency Management and response Volunteers?
Gordon Hall
SESVA President