SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

18/10/2013 – Australian Police and Emergency Services Games

Australian Police and Emergency Services Games – Opportunity for SES Female Soccer Players

WA Police are looking for females to participate in the Australian Police and Emergency Services Games, which are being held in Melbourne in April 2014. In particular, the WA contingent is looking for an extra couple of female’s to play field soccer.  The only requirement is that you have been an SES Volunteer for a period exceeding one year as at April 2013 (and be a female of course).

The dates of the competition are 19 to 23 of April 2013.  The web site for the games is

If you are at all interested, please contact;

A/Sgt Kate HENRY 13743
Cockburn Police Station 
392 Rockingham Road,
Spearwood WA 6163 
T (08) 9418 9777
F (08) 9434 3557

