SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

31/05/2013 – Conference 2013

The SESVA President David Price said” the DFES Conference is fast approaching and it’s time for units to start planning on who will attend it”.  As is past years each SES Unit and group will have the opportunity to send two (2) delegates to the conference.  The travel and accommodation costs for the delegates will be met by DFES and a Lotterywest Grant.

David also said “in the history of the conference from the days when it was a standalone SES conference to todays combined DFES conference we have never reached the goal of having a delegate from every SES Unit and specialist group attend”.

David said” I strongly encourage all Units to attend the conference”.

The SESVA has been working very hard behind the scenes to ensure that SES Volunteers have an interesting program full of information and knowledge. Also there will be time for networking with fellow SES Volunteers from the whole State.

Venue:  Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre


  • Friday 20 September (welcome Sundowner 6pm to 9pm)
  • Saturday 21 September – conference activities
  • Sunday 22 September – conference activities

