SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

08/05/2013 – SES Awards 2013


SESVA President David Price says it’s time to nominate your volunteers for this year “SES Awards” as nominations are Now Open and it’s time to act.  David said as we know SES volunteers play an integral part in the safety of our communities and these awards help recognise outstanding SES volunteers, either individually or as a team, who have gone above and beyond what is expected of them.

I encourage Units to nominate their SES volunteers for these prestigious Awards.

The awards are in the following categories:

Peter Keillor Award – Recognising a volunteer who has gone beyond the call of duty in demonstrating a high level of commitment to the SES.

Team Achievement Award – Recognising a unit or team that has initiated a new idea, worked collectively to achieve outstanding results in a particular area, or undertaken a community awareness project

Youth Achievement Award – Recognising a volunteer 25 years or younger who has made an outstanding contribution to the SES.
All nominees must be active, operational members of their SES unit.

Download the nomination form at:

Nominations close Friday 31 May 2013

