District Officer Glenn Hall has advised the Association of the following actions taken to progress the ATU implementation project.
All Regions that are identified to receive a ATU have been advised the following:
- As I indicated in my last communication relating to the ATU implementation, the specification for the ATU Vehicle and Trailer will be distributed for comment. These documents have now been finalised by Graham Milton, Coordinator Operational Resources Review & Development (ORRD).
- The finalised documents are part of the overall tendering process and are subject to the requirements of confidentiality. As such the specifications that will be distributed will require those who will be participating as part of the ATU evaluation team to sign a Declaration of Interest & Confidentiality.
- I have identified and requested those members that participated in the Risk Assessment activity last year participate in the ATU evaluation. I have also requested those Regions that will be receiving an ATU and who did not participate last year identify a suitable SES member to be part of the ATU evaluation team.
As there are confidentiality issues as part of the Tender process I have requested a general overview of the specification be provided so that I can advise SES District Officers what equipment will be tendered for. If provided I will also provide this information to the VA. I am waiting back for an answer from ORRD and Contracts and will advise accordingly. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me. Any future developments in relation to the project will be provided as soon as I have them.
Glenn Hall I District Officer SES
North Coastal Metropolitan I Department of Fire & Emergency Services
Unit 1, 108 Winton Road Joondalup Western Australia 6027
Tel: 08 9301 3904 I Fax: 08 9301 2098 I Mobile: 0427 005 109 I