SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

20/01/2013 – Belmont SES river rescue

Suzi Haywood reports that Belmont SES Flood Rescue volunteers were involved in today’s rescue of a man who drove his car into the water near barracks st. The crew were in the area preparing for Australia Day when police called them over asking for assistance.  One member was the first in the water and was quickly joined by 3 police officers. Together all 4 pulled the man from the car and to safety on the jetty to St Johns.   A Police Diver along with 2 firefighters in breathing apparatus joined the initial rescuers to clear the area.  The man remains in a critical condition according to media.

Great to see so many services working together and job well done to all.

Webmaster note:

It was disappointing that all the media coverage concentrated on Police and ignored that fact there was an SES Volunteers river rescue team at the incident.  Once again SES Volunteers are the “unsung heros”.

