SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

18/01/2013 – Menzies Search latest update

WA Police and State Emergency Service volunteer search teams are continuing the search this afternoon. The search will continue for as long as the sunlight allows. Other aspects of the operation:

  • Police Officers will remain in the search area overnight, and SES volunteers will be transported to their accommodation for a much needed rest period.
  • Those search teams will head back to the search area tomorrow morning ready to start at first light
  • The search crew on board the helicopter identified a number of mine shafts in the area, which will be subject to further searching.
  • Nearby mining company, Norton Gold Fields Paddington Operations has provided a specialist Emergency Response Team to assist searching the identified mine shafts in the area (specialist rope rescue team).
  • The Shire of Menzies is continuing to provide logistics support to the search and rescue operation.
  • Local contractors are also providing assistance with specialised equipment.
  • It is expected there will be a changeover some of the State Emergency Service volunteers (to manage fatigue risks), and it is likely the numbers will increase as search areas are identified.


