SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

17/01/2013 – SES Volunteers assist Police in Menzies WA Update !!!!!!

SES Volunteers from Perth are due to arrive at the search site around noon today . They SES Volunteers are from Armadale, Swan, Gosnells, Canning and Northshore units.  They will be joining SES volunteers from Kalgoorlie-Boulder and Norseman.  There will be 22 volunteers in total.  There are also two SES Managers attending, one from Kalgoorlie and one from Northam.

Leonora Police are today continuing with a Land Search and Rescue Operation in the Lake Ballard area of Menzies. A 46 year old male prospector was last seen on Sunday (13/01/13), and was reported missing to police on Tuesday afternoon (15/01/13). Leonora Police attended his campsite on Tuesday afternoon, where his vehicle was located, however officers were not able to locate the missing man anywhere nearby.

Yesterday (Wednesday 16/01/13) police conducted an air search of the area with the assistance of State Emergency Service volunteers and a local helicopter pilot. The search on land also continued.

The search operation is continuing today (Thursday 17/01/13), again with the assistance of State Emergency Service volunteers. The same helicopter is already in the air conducting another air search, with ground crews conducting a land search.

The search area includes the area between Snake Hill and Mount Ida.

It is not known if the missing man has access to food, water and shelter, and there are serious concerns for his safety and welfare as it appears his supplies are still with his vehicle.

At this time the SESVA is unaware of which SES Units who have been deployed to the operation and the number of SES Volunteers involved.

