SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

29/11/2012 – SES Volunteers Respond to Storm damage

SES continues to respond as storm hits Perth, South West and surrounding areas.   State Emergency Service (SES) Volunteers have answered approximately 220 calls for help in the metropolitan area after a storm hit Perth, the South West and surrounding areas yesterday and overnight.   Damage has been reported across the metropolitan area with Wanneroo, Stirling, the Perth CBD, Rockingham, Mandurah and Cockburn worst hit. 

  • State Emergency Service (SES) has these tips to help you and your family stay safe:
  • Be careful of fallen trees, debris and damaged buildings
  • Keep clear of fallen powerlines, they are dangerous and should always be treated as live
  • Check on friends and neighbours to see if they need help
  • Start cleaning up around your home, stack loose material such as branches and debris away from water meters, valves and telephone lines
  • If asbestos has been damaged on your property you should seek professional advice before attempting any repairs or clean up because it could be dangerous
  • If your home has major damage such as a badly damaged roof or flooding, call the SES on 132 500
  • Contact your insurance company or property manager to organise permanent repairs.

The number of calls for help is likely to increase later this morning.   SES volunteers respond on a priority basis and people are asked to remain patient.   People are being urged to do what they can to help themselves, if it is safe to do so, before calling the SES for assistance.   More bad weather coming between Mandurah, Katanning and Israelite Bay.   If you live southwest of a line from Mandurah to Katanning to Israelite Bay you should take action and stay safe with more bad weather to come. The bad weather will continue to move south of a line from Cape Leeuwin to Katanning to Israelite Bay by later this morning.    This includes people in, near and between Mandurah, Bunbury, Busselton, Margaret River, Bridgetown, Katanning, Albany and Esperance and surrounding areas.
This is unusual weather that could cause major damage to homes and make travel very dangerous.
Close your curtains and blinds, and stay inside away from windows
If caught outside find safe shelter away from trees, powerlines, storm water drains and streams
If there is flooding, create your own sandbags by using pillow cases filled with sand and place them around doorways to protect your home.
Slow down, turn your lights on and keep a safe distance from other drivers
If it is raining heavily and you cannot see, pull over and park with your hazard lights on until the rain clears
Take care in areas that have been flooded and do not drive into water of unknown depth and current
Be careful driving on gravel roads as surfaces will be slippery and muddy, and vehicles could become bogged.
Some roads may be closed due to fallen trees, debris and localised flooding and traffic lights blacked out throughout the Perth metropolitan area.
Further clarification should be sought from WA Police or Main Roads WA on 138 138.
Motorists should drive with caution and expect delays until normal traffic conditions are restored.
As at 4.43am on 29 November 2012 the Bureau of Meteorology advises a deep low pressure lies to the south of the State.    Widespread damaging winds to 100 kilometres per hour likely and in isolated areas south of Bunbury dangerous gusts in excess of 125 kilometres per hour could cause significant damage or destruction to homes and property.  Dangerous surf conditions are likely which could cause significant beach erosion.

The Severe Weather warning for remaining areas southwest of a line from Jurien Bay to Northam to Hopetoun, including the Perth metropolitan area, has been CANCELLED.

  • A wind gust to 117 km/h was recorded at Cape Leeuwin at 3.58am.
  • A wind gust to 106 km/h was recorded at Cape Naturaliste at 3am.
  • A wind gust to 10 km/h was recorded at Busselton Jetty at 4.30am.

Conditions like these are normally experienced with a winter cold front.
More than 12 metropolitan SES units were still active overnight with around 330 volunteers responding to requests for assistance throughout the day and into the night.   Crews have been attending to major structural damage, making temporary repairs to homes, fixing minor roof damage and removing fallen trees from homes, cars and fences.  Personnel from WA Police, Western Power, Main Roads and the WA Local Government Association are also working with SES.

  • If your home has been badly damaged by storm call the SES on 132 500
  • In a life threatening situation call 000
  • For the latest weather information visit or call 1300 659 213
  • For information about road conditions contact Main Roads WA on 138 138
  • To report downed powerlines call Western Power on 13 13 51

After a storm SES volunteers make temporary repairs to homes that have been badly damaged, such as roofs that have been ripped off or large fallen trees on homes and cars. Please contact your insurance company to organise permanent repairs.

