SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

04/11/2012 – Menzies Land Search Update !!!!!!!!!

Monday Update

The missing man has been located safe and well, walking along Yunndaga Road just prior to 10am.  He has been taken to Leonora hospital for a check-up.  It’s believed that the man ran out of petrol on his motorbike, and began walking before getting lost. 

At this time  the SESVA has no information on the numbers of SES Volunteers involved in the search and from which Units they came from other than the Kalgoorlie Unit. 

David Price SESVA President said ” another great effort by SES Volunteers with a successfull conclusion”. 

Previous Report

A Land Search and Rescue (LandSAR) operation just south of Menzies will continue today as police search for a man reported missing last night, Saturday 3 November 2012.  The man reported missing was with friends about 7km south of Menzies riding motorcycles and prospecting, and was last seen about 3:00pm heading into bushland. He was reported missing to police later in the evening after his friends could not locate him.

Leonora Police conducted a search of the area last night, and were joined by police officers from Kalgoorlie Police who searched through the night.

The LandSAR will continue today with the support of a search plane with State Emergency Service volunteers on board. A ground search is also being planned, however that will be based on information obtained from the search plane observations.

Update for you (as at 12:30pm) re the Menzies LandSAR operation:

  • An aerial search this morning has not located the missing man.
  • The search plane is refuelling in Kalgoorlie and will head out with the SES volunteers on board to do more searching from the air
  • Additional WA Police resources from Kalgoorlie Police are heading to Menzies
  • A search command post is being established
  • Additional SES volunteers from Kalgoorlie are heading to Menzies to assist with the ground search SES volunteers from the metropolitan area are being prepared to travel to Menzies today to assist with the search either tonight or tomorrow (pending the outcome of the search today)

