SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

31/10/2012 – The Cockburn Central Emergency Services Complex opened

The Cockburn Central Emergency Services Complex opened
A number of SES Volunteers, FESA staff, the Premier and Ministers attended the official opening of this complex on 31 October.   The Premier announced that establishment of the new Department of Fire and Emergency Services which would operate from 1 November 2012.  At this opening, Minister Buswell announced details of a widespread support package the Government planned to assist Career fire fighters and Volunteers with.

  • Consistent insurance coverage for all Volunteers operating under the emergency services Acts;
  • Compensation claims being simplified for career and Volunteer fire-fighters who develop a prescribed cancer;
  • Establishment of an assistance scheme for emergency services Volunteers experiencing financial hardship.

SESVA President David Price, Vice President Dave Beard and
Secretary Gordon Hall alongside the new Gnowangerup Truck

