SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

16/10/2012 – Conference Program now Online


We are excited to announce that the program is now available for the Western Australian Fire and Emergency Services Conference 2012. To download the program and start planning your attendance and the sessions you would like to attend please visit the Conference website.


A highlight of the conference program is a two part workshop on Sunday 4 November with a dynamic facilitator that will explore strategies to sustain volunteer numbers into the future.

How we find new volunteers, keep them interested and encourage them to stay is a question that most Brigades, Groups and Units will ask themselves at some point in time.
Jason Clarke from Minds at Work will inspire conference delegates to think differently, creatively and innovatively about volunteering.
His interactive workshop will look at how we engage young people in volunteering and the actions needed to ensure volunteers are attracted to FESA’s services.
Jason is highly entertaining, engaging and will leave participants feeling inspired and motivated.

Places are limited for this workshop so delegates need to pre-register by following this easy step-by-step guide:
1.    Follow this link
2.    Enter your registered email address and password
3.    Click on the ‘Edit Sessions’ tab
4.    Select the ‘Volunteering Sustainability Workshop’
5.    Click ‘Save’

To get the most out of the workshop participants are asked to attend both consecutive sessions, see conference program for more detail. 

Kind regards

The 2012 Western Australian Fire and Emergency Services Conference team

