SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

26/09/2012 – Pemberton search for missing boy Update!!!!!

Police advised that the missing boy has been found and has been taken to Pemberton Hospital for health checks. 

Pemberton Police are searching for a missing four-year-old boy, who was last seen near the Gloucester Tree at 11.30am today.  The child’s first name is Juan and he speaks little English, and was wearing a grey top and black track pants.  The towering 68-metre tall Gloucester Tree, just 3km out of Pemberton, is one of the tourist attractions of the region, attracting thousands of visitors every year.

Anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to contact Police on 131 444

At this time the SESVA has no information if SES Volunteers are involved with the search.

SES Volunteers are regularly called upon by Police to assist in land search operations. SES volunteers are extensively trained in land search operations and perform many tasks including:   

  • Provision of field headquarters  
  • Provision of search teams   
  • Advice on incident management
  • Provision of communication  
  • Conduct rescue   
  • Provision of access to untrained personnel   
  • Transfer casualties to ambulance / medical aid   
  • Provision of emergency power / light
  • Provision of field catering

