SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

08/05/2012 – News from the Kalbarri SES Unit

Mac Holt from Kalbarri SES reports I’m reminded of old sayings like ‘never mind the width, feel the quality’ – the original saying might be the other way round but we prefer this version. We are not the biggest unit in the SES (with just 27 members), but we continue to try and improve the ‘quality’ of training and skill base of our volunteers. Like this latest report, it may not be ‘wide’ in quantity but summarises the ‘lengths’ we go to in our training activities to achieve our goals.  As the month drew to a close, we were anticipating a month without a call out – for a change. Then torrential rain on the last Saturday night, required us to turn out as flash flooding affected homes in our town.  

View the news from Kalbarri SES – Kalbarri-SES-Report-May-2012.pdf


