SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

06/05/2012 – SES volunteers rescue teenage at Lesmurdie Falls


A TEENAGER has been flown to Royal Perth Hospital after he fell about 20m down a cliff at the Lesmurdie Falls National Park this afternoon.  The teenager fell down the cliff about 3pm and has serious head injuries. A police spokesman said he was conscious, despite the massive plunge.  The RAC Rescue Helicopter was sent to help rescue the injured man, who was with some friends when he fell from a cliff about 20m onto some other rocks below.

State Emergency Service volunteers  assisted in the rescue of the man. At this time its not known how many SES volunteers were involved in the recue and  from which units they came from.  The FESA spokesman said the teen had sustained head, shoulder and hip injuries in the fall.   Royal Perth Hospital spokeswoman said the teenager was in a stable condition on arrival at the hospital.

The Lesmurdie Falls National Park is located about 22km east of Perth and is situated on land owned by the Department of Environment and Conservation.

A DEC spokeswoman said today it would depend on the circumstances of the incident whether the DEC would investigate the man’s fall and what police determined happened.  “It would be early to say where this is going to lead until the police can give us a bit more of an idea on what happened,” the spokeswoman said.

