SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

22/02/2012 – SES Licence Plates Important Info

The SES Volunteers Association (SESVA) has registered an SES Volunteers number plate as a service to its members. The purpose of the plates is to increase the recognition of the SES volunteers in WA.  A picture of the suggested plate design is shown below. 

Approximately 50 sets of the plates have now been registered and issued to SES Volunteers throughout the State.  Unfortunately demand for the plates has slowed to a trickle and we are in danger of having the plate series cancelled unless applications are received for ten (10) plates during 2012.  So if you are considering applying for a set of plates now is the time to act.

A set of two plates will cost $175.00 which will cover the charges set by the Department of Transport and a small administration.  The SESVA is the registered owner of the plate design and has to apply to the Department to Transport for the plate issue.  All applications for the plates must be made through the SESVA; Individual applications for this special plate’s series to the Department of Transport will not be accepted.

How to apply
Simply go the Licence plate page in the left hand slider of this website and view the information on which plate numbers are available, download the application form and follow the simple instructions.

