SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

15/02/2012 – Upcoming Peer Support Survey – 2012

File No:  00479
15 February 2012

Operational Circular

Upcoming Peer Support Survey – 2012

FESA’s Health Safety and Welfare Branch strive to provide care, support, counselling services and critical incident stress management to all staff, volunteers and their immediate families. One of the support services utilised by the Welfare Team is the Peer Support Program. The Health Safety and Welfare Branch are currently reviewing this program, and as part of this process have developed a survey to evaluate it.

I encourage you all to take the time to complete this short anonymous survey. The results will assist the Branch to ensure you and your colleagues are provided with the best possible welfare support.

The on-line survey will be available to access from a link on the FESA intranet home page, volunteer portal, volunteer association website or directly on an upcoming circular, from Monday the 27th February 2012.

Any further enquiries should be directed to the Welfare team, Health Safety and Welfare Branch. The Welfare office can be contacted from Monday to Friday on 9323 9346 or 9323 9364.

Lloyd Bailey AFSM
A/Chief Operations Officer

