The State Emergency Service Volunteers Association (SESVA) would like to take the opportunity to suggest a model for consideration in the light of the Keelty Report and propose restructure of FESA to operate under a commissioner. The current model splits the State Emergency Service in two under Assistance Chief Operations Office (ACOO) Country and Metro.
The proposed model from the SESVA brings ALL units under the single command of an “Assistant Commissioner of the State Emergency Service” the proposed model is an expansion of the Metro State Emergency Service command structure. The proposed model also suggested that the FESA Volunteer Emergency Service units (VES) be brought into the model as these units that have a State Emergency Service role.
The SESVA also suggest the State Emergency Service Training Section also be brought into the Command Structure again this will allow the training of State Emergency Service Volunteers be given a higher focus and benefit the volunteers directly. FESA has training under the human services branch, this branch has also proposed to reduce the State Emergency Service staffing level from three to two this will also reduce the capabilities of the service. We suggest that the training section be expanded.
The SESVA is also looking at the proposed National State Emergency Service Registered Training Organisation (RTO) model; this currently promises that all State Emergency Service training courses to be compiled under one RTO, the benefit would be that State Emergency Service could access training that it needs.
David J. Price
See the full document and diagram SES Restructure.doc