SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

04/07/2010 – FESA Education and Heritage Centre SES Displays

Have you visited the FESA Education and Heritage Centre lately, well if you haven’t you will be in for a great surprise.  There are many new displays to see including some really life like SES models in the all hazards Education Gallery.

The FESA All Hazards Education Gallery is located in the upper gallery at the Old Perth fire Station in Perth. Recently refurbished the Centre offers a one stop shop for visitors to learn about FESA and its combat services.  The exhibition was designed using the Earth Wind, Fire and Water theme so that each exhibit space could include information about relevant hazards and emergencies. For example, in the Earth exhibit we have info about earthquakes and also an exhibit which introduces the SES and its cliff rescue and land search teams.  The exhibition team consulted with SES cliff rescue team instructor Chris Hudson and team leader Will Blackshaw to rig the climbing gear on the custom made escort and stretcher which is on display hanging from a model Karinjini rock face. The SES also features in the Wind and Water exhibits in the areas about tsunami, tropical cyclone, severe storm and flooding.

Other custom made SES models are on display in the Centre giving the SES a high profile in the Gallery.  The education programs at the Centre also include information about the SES and what they do –  this includes dress ups for students and families.

The FESA  Education & Heritage Centre is located at 25 Murray Street, Perth WA  6844
Phone: (08) 9416 3402 (Volunteers and General Enquies)
Phone: (08) 9416 3403 or 9416 3404 (School Aged Education)
Fax: (08) 9323 9572

Some pictures:

