SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

10/06/2011 – Goldfields Challenge welcomes feed back

Congratulations to Bayswater Unit, winners of the Goldfields SES Challenge 2011 – (Bend it like Bayswater)

  • Second place went to Rockingham and third place to Cockburn
  • Stirling Unit received the encouragement award for fantastic team work.

Attached is a feedback form, please distribute to those who attended the Challenge and send back either by email, fax or post (details on the form). Without your feedback and ideas we cannot continue to improve and grow. Feedback forms 2011.doc

And the winners are:

Bayswater SES 1st Place

Rockingham- Kwinana SES 2nd place

Cockburn SES 3rd place

Stirling SES Encouragement award

