The SESVA has lodged the application for special series SES Licence plates to the Deptartment of Transport. The Department of Transport has imposed a restriction on us that we must use the numbers from 20 – 99 before they will allow the use of three digits. The change was outside the control of the SESVA. Emails have been sent to everyone who has lodged a request for a number plate outside the specified range and most have replied and chosen a new number. For those volunteers who haven’t replied please chose a new number if you still would like a set of the plates.
Where to from here? The Department of Transport will design the plate and submit a prototype of the plate to the SESVA for approval. Once this is complete application forms will be made available to volunteers who have reserved plates. When applications forms are completed and forwarded to the SESVA with the required payment these will then be submitted to the Department of Transport for processing. Two to three weeks after the Department of Transport will contact each applicant and advise when the plates are ready for pickup at your nominated Licensing Centre.
Watch for further updates
John Capes
SESVA Licence Plates Project Officer