SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

29/03/2011 – SES Volunteer Insurance – Income Protection

There has been a recent expression of concern by some SES volunteers, that if they had a situation of not being able to work following an accident, that the income protection value of FESA’s insurance would not cover their normal income.

Whilst I cannot offer an immediate solution, I guess if you earn more than $1833.94 gross per week (or greater $95,000/year) and your liabilities might be at risk, then you should seriously consider having independent income protection insurance. One way is via your superannuation. I suggest that no matter what you income is, that a income strategy should be in place whether it is insurance or social security.

FESA’s insurance is known as “BEST of the BEST” and is a Personal Accident Policy that reflects benefits similar to those under the Worker’s Compensation and Injury Management Act (WC&IM Act).  Registered volunteers are covered for all FESA authorised activities (including training, fundraising, championships, authorised travel to and from FESA activities).

In answer to the original question, BEST of the BEST insurance covers wages when a Volunteer is unable to perform their normal work duties as a result of an injury sustained whilst performing FESA activities. They will be paid their average weekly earnings (at the date of disability) up to a maximum (cap) of 1% of the “Prescribed Amount”. The prescribed amount as at July 2010 is $183, 394.  The 1% cap is therefore $1833.94 (gross) per week.  It includes volunteers over the age of 65 who have a loss of income. You can expect that evidence of this income will be required.

A copy of the Special Cover – Personal Accident (Registered Volunteers) Summary Sheet for SES volunteers can be obtained from your SESVA representative.
For full copy of the insurance policy or any questions, then contact Linda French at FESA OS&H branch on 08 9323 9396.

Phillip Petersen 28/3/2011

