SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

16/03/2011 – Goldfields Challenge 2011

Good afternoon fellow Volunteers.  It is with great excitement I forward you the nominations forms, rules and poster for the 2011 Goldfields SES Challenge.

This year we have changed the format to add a greater challenge for all members.  Where stands were previously only allocated 45mins for completion they will now have 1 hour and 30mins.  Back by popular demand is the navigation between stands, so you will need to familiarise yourself with a GPS.  As Bayswater were so keen to try their hand at setting up a q-mac last year, we have added that component in as well.

Due to the change of times we will now be starting the event at 9am Saturday morning through to late sat night.  For OH&S reasons, all teams are required to be on site by 1am Friday night (sat morning!).  The change in times also means we can only accept 10 teams. This will be on a first in first service basis.  Units which nominate 2 or more teams will need to indicate which team will be a reserve team to allow all units to have a chance to enter.

No one will be allowed to leave site until the completion of the event Monday lunch time and there will be no alcohol runs this year – if you run out, you go without.  If you are interested in Assessing or being an assistant on a stand please call Colleen 0417 185 292.

Any questions please call Kevin Roberts mobile: 0417 947 776 or email

Please pass this email on to anyone who may be interested in attending.  Look forward to seeing you in June.

Planning Officer
Goldfields SES Challenge 2011
Kalgoorlie-Boulder State Emergency Service
Mobile 0417 185 292
Friday 3 June to Monday 6 June 2010 – Foundation Day  Long Weekend – Build… Discover… Explore

Challenge Poster 2011.pdf

Challenge Rules 2011.pdfNomination & medical forms 2011.pdf

Nomination & medical forms 2011.pdf

