SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

08/03/2011 – International Womens Day 2011

Today , we are celebrating the 100th International Women’s Day.

by Phillip Petersen ESM

SESVA representative (Metro South)

The State Emergency Service is proud of its commitment to diversity, in particular its membership of women in the organisation. Without checking any records, I would estimate that in Western Australia there is close to a 50/50% representation of men and women who give valuable service to the community in this emergency service. These women are often far removed from just making cups of tea or knitting socks. There are many who are valuable and highly respected members in all aspects of the service such as:

  • Rescue
  • Vertical rescue;Search
  • Communications
  • Operations & logistics
  • Storm damage repair
  • First aid
  • and training

Many are volunteer emergency service leaders (or have been) and contribute at all levels including at unit, regional, SES Consultative Committee and SES Volunteer Association.  Today we thank the women in our service for their active contribution.
More on

Connie Eikelboom of the Armadale SES has recently ben awarded the Emergency Services Medal in the Australia Day Honours List.  Connie is a well know member of the SES and is a tireless worker.  Connie is presently the training manager of the Armadale SES.  Connie always finds time to as a volunteer to prepare an effective training program to meet the units profile and the Local Manager’s needs.  She also prepares and delivers training, monitors others to ensure compliance with requirements.  Connie has served the SES and the community of Western Australia with distinction for over 20 years.  Connie is an example of  the important role women perform in Emergency Services.

Connie Eikelboom ESM

