SES Volunteer's Association of Western Australia Incorporated

“Together we can; Together we will”

07/02/2011 – SESVA Journal number 22

The SESVA is seeking material for the next edition of its journal “The SES Volunteer”.  If you or your Unit has any material it would like to be published then now it’s time to send it to us.  Material can be on any subject operations, training. Community news, health issues or social events is all makes great reading.

The Journal is disturbed to all SES Units in WA, FESA offices and Departments and kindred Associations in all States.

A story can be as simple as a paragraph describing what’s happening and who’s involved and a picture or two, that’s all it takes.

Larger stories are also welcome as we have the capacity to publish them too.

Material can be emailed or posted.
Post address:                 PO Box 530 Belmont WA 6984

